The Fake Entrepreneur Epidemic

June 7, 2021 by No Comments


A new industry

Dr. Hartmann is an Associate Professor Of Management at the Copenhagen Business School. His paper, Towards an Untrepreneurial Economy?

Fake Entrepreneur Epidemic

The veblenian entrepreneur.. or let’s call it the wanterpreneur, it is our effort to sort of put a label on what a lot of people are seeing. People are starting entrepreneurship not so much with the intention of becoming innovation -driven entrepreneurs but more-so engaged into the entrepreneurial lifestyle, and attached to the identity that comes from that. Entrepreneurship pursued for Identity purpose, not productive purposes.

Nowadays everyone seems to be a CEO of a company he started yesterday.

We see that enttrepreneurship leasds to good things in the economy but largely this is driven by a few companies. And then you also see that there are the failing entrepreneurs and people like Amazon, Apple , companies that are driving the US economy. And you are sort of saying there is an industry around of wanterpreneurs?


Entrepreneur Pop-Up. The quality of entrepreneurship is falling. Entrepreneurship is also becoming more rare in the U.S. The quality is declining.

The Entrepreneurship Industry and the Rise of the Veblenian Entrepreneur is available on SSRN:…

Other papers mentioned or referenced: Azoulay, P., Jones, B. F., Kim, J. D., Miranda, J. 2020. Age and high-growth entrepreneurship. American economic review: Insights. Camuffo, A., Cordova, A., Gambardella, A., Spina, C. 2020. A scientific approach to entrepreneurial decision making: Evidence from a randomized control trial. Management Science. Decker, R. A., Haltiwanger, J. Jarmin, R. S., Miranda, J. 2016. Where has all the skewness gone? The decline in high-growth (young) firms in the U.S. European Economic Review. Hamilton, B. H. 2000. Does entrepreneurship pay? An empirical analysis of the returns to self-employment. Journal of Political Economy. Hunt, R. A., Kiefer, K. 2017. The entrepreneurship Industry: influences of the goods and services marketed to entrepreneurs. Journal of small business management. Reid, S. W., Patel, P. C., Wolfe, M. T. 2018. The struggle is real: Self-employment and short-term psychological stress. Sorenson, O., Dahl, M. S., Canalas, R., Burton, M. D. 2021. Do start-up employees earn more in the long run? Organization Science. Ucbasaran, D., Shepherd, D. A., Lockett, A., Lyon, S. J. 2012. Life after Business Failure: The Process and Consequences of Business Failure for Entrepreneurs. Journal of Management.

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