The past is destroying your self-esteem

September 28, 2022 by No Comments

Forget the past

Julien Himself

How do you feel about yourself as a person? I don’t like myself. I think that it’s my fault that something happened. It’s my fault that’s somebody is dead because not to tell him that he shouls stay at home. Do you ever forgive yourself for that? No. OM Deep breaths, we are going to dive into this. I’m going to embody the younger you. The younger you you’ve hated, recented, not forgiving. Deep breath. I’m now you. What do you want to say to me? It’s not your fault. Can you forgive me? No. Why? Because I coudln’t say good bye. You couldn’t tell him good bye, you couldn’t tell him Im so sorry. Could you gorgibe me for that? Why? Because you should have done it. I know I should have. Can you still forgive me ¿ Can you love me¿ Wh? Because you are the reason somebody’s dead.

What’s so scary or bad about forgiving me? Why is it scary? Why is that bad? Maybe I¡m losing you all the time. Whats so scared about that and you living your greater life. What’s so scary about you not longer punishing yourself¿ Somebody is leaving me again and I’m the part of why they are gone. And that Im the reason that everybody else is sad because something happened. How do you feel when you hear me say it’s not your fault.

How do you feel when you hear me say “it’s not your fault” What sensations kick in? I don’t believe you. How does it feel? Tap into the part that doesn’t believe me, it’s not your. fault. Im¡ angry. And what else? Im sad. What can you say to me what I say you can live a great and amazing life?

There is nothing blocking you form living an amazing life, you deserve an amazing life.

What comes up? Denial.

Julien Himself: Forget the past.


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