Shaquile O’Neal interview with Patrick Bet-David

September 17, 2022 by No Comments


Shaquile O’Neal talks with Patrick Bet-David

Shaq opens out about Kobe Bryant, creating wealth and life.

But I didn’t know it was like this. What a great job. This is insurance?

Sincerely, How many of you are die-hard Lakers fans? How many are you Shaq fans? I am. The moment we have been waiting for. The next man has one of the best resumes in all of America. He may be living one of the best lives any human being has ever lived. Speaking about NBA, he is a 15 time NBA all star. 3 time finals MVP, 2 scoring titles. ! of 3 players ever to win the season VP, all star MVP, finals MVP, the others were willis Reed and MIchael Jordan.

When it comes to business, he owns 155 Five Guys, that’s 10% of the franchise. He owns Pretzels, Krispy Kreme, Big Chicken in Vegas, Reportedly owns 40 24 hr fitnesses, 150 carwashes, four time NBA champions. Man got a bachelors degree, . He became a cop, In 2012 Sports Illustrated recognized him as a Father of tye year award. With that said; Here is the one and only Shaquile O’Neal.

Shaq: You know what? I have to command you. Of course I’ve seen you on Instagram.

but I didn’t know it was like this. What a great job. This is insurance?

If I’m playing power basketball and didn’t work, now I gotta to go finesse.. if that doesn’t work, focus on defense. You always have to expand. Always maximize the opportunity and potential if you want to be the best. At some point you got to make that change to stay successful.

Our sales people The name of the game is that with anything you do big is that you will go trhough rejections and public losses. Our sales people, when a person says “no” to us, two people saw us. The customer and maybe their spouse, right? When you guys lose tens of thousands of people see you lose on TV. How do you handle public humiliation, a public loss or rejection? Shaq: Well, you gotta accept the truth. Accept the loss like a man.

I don’t mind criticism, when you grow up with a drill sargeant, everything is not nice, so. I’m used to it, I’m programmed.

When you criticize me I’ll read it. Oh, that’s not true, Ill blow it off. If there’s little truth Ill try to fix the problem. Cause Im not sensitive.

Everyone has an opinion.

I try not to act like I’m better than anyone else. We are all human. Some people are here or “up here” (at different levels) but we are all human.

Shaq talks about being on Tinder and girls not believing it was him.

Shaquile O’Neal interview with Patrick Bet-David

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